Jeepney Topload From Banaue to Batad on a Sunny Day

Hey, look at the sun! It is a a bright and sunny morning in Banaue. I’m thankful for the weather because of the unpredictable rain downpour days prior to the trip. When Dominic confirmed through his contact in Batad that there’s nothing to worry about, I knew that we will have a safe journey.

Jeepney Topload in Banaue

For me, one of the highlights of our Banaue-Batad trip is Toploading. Instead of taking a comfortable seat inside the jeepney, most of us preferred to stay at the top of the jeepney and experience how it is like to ride the local transportation like most locals do.

I went up there and chose to seat beside Dong Ho because I am scared LOL. It’s all in the mind, really. We were seated at the back part of the jeepney the butt-numbing adventure starts!

Why butt-numbing? The metal rails which we used as our seat is just too uncomfortable to seat in LOL. I used my gray jacket as support and hoping that I can endure the ‘aray-ouch-ouch-haha’ in the whole duration of the trip. You can see Vest Home website to buy a similar jacket/vest.

It’s a sunny day – Grilled travelers on topload!

The weather is perfect, but most of us forgot to apply sunblock. I braved staying there with the heat of the sun not anticipating that I will get darker after. It’s ok as long as I’m having fun!


The road from Banaue to Batad is one adventurous ride. It helps that my companions are fun to be with screaming and laughing all the time. Some parts of the rode are slippery (because it is muddy wet) and rocky.

Give way, my way yeyeye!

Some parts are undergoing major constructions up to the point that each transportation must give way to one another to avoid accidents.

I am glad that I pushed through with the plan of trying the Topload ride as I was able to enjoy the scenery. I also saw some locals and appreciate the natural beauty of Mountain Province.

Be careful – Slippery when wet

You will also see the rocky history of the landslides that appear on the news yearly. I do salute the Ifugao people as they were able to surpass these challenges. Bilib ako!

We were almost in the edge of glory… I mean edge of the cliff in some parts when the jeepney needs to overtake or give way to other vehicles. I know that what I did is risky, but I want to take videos and enjoy the trip in the best way possible. I also know that our dear leader Dong Ho will not compromise our safety.

Here’s a video that will summarize our Banaue-Batad Jeepney Topload trip. Enjoy and try to analyze if you’re willing to take the same risk. I am not pushing you to do so, ok?

Random Tips:

Apply Sunblock Before Toploading – Remember that you will be grilled under the sun for an hour or so. If you didn’t bring one, a protection from a bandana or jacket will do.

Don’t Force it

If you think you can’t do it, you are right – Toploading is not for everybody. It is a risky activity, actually. Just stay inside the jeepney and enjoy the scenery through the window.

Use your jacket or slippers as cushion – Sitting up there can be… hard and challenging LOL

Make sure that one hand is holding to the rail – Just to ensure your safety. Mahirap na!

Have you tried Jeepney Toploading? They often mention that a trip to Banaue, Batad or Sagada is not complete unless you tried it.


  1. Robbie said:

    Naks nakapag-topload ka na rin Micamyx! 😀

    Kakaiban experience no? Ang ganda ng view pero ang sakit sa katawan. Hahaha.

    December 22, 2011
    • Senyorita said:

      Tama! Now I knoe how it feels! Perfect example of No pain, No gain! – literally =))

      December 22, 2011
  2. Looks like in the video you had fun. If my memory serves me right my tryke rider only took me to the base of the mountain. I had to walk up those steep mountain climbs with a full backpack on. I was wiped out by the time I made the top, but what a view. Look forward to more posts to relive my great memories there.

    December 22, 2011
    • Senyorita said:

      Same experience, Ted. Will make a separate post about the trekking part hehe. When are you going back to Batad? 😀

      December 22, 2011
  3. supertikoy said:

    iba feeling ng toploading hahaha masakit nga lang sa butt pero the view is worth it =)

    December 23, 2011
    • Senyorita said:

      I agree with you, Jerome. Pain in the A$s for a better view on top!

      December 24, 2011
  4. Hahahaha I love the video! I even forgot you took it 😀 Just showed it to my mum, she said we are crazy 🙂

    December 24, 2011
    • Senyorita said:

      Hey Alex! Nice to know that you safely arrived in Slovakia. Send my regards to your mom and the whole family! 😀 Hope the video didn’t scare her LOL

      December 24, 2011
  5. nadia said:

    Mica, I experienced toploading on a jeepney too! During my third year in college, the entire class went to see the rice terraces and spent the weekend in Batad. If I were to revisit the place, I’d hop onto that jeep’s roof all over again!

    Also, when we saw the rice terraces from the road, we were all running down to be at the center of the fields and have pictures taken. Alas, climbing all the way back up to the road was a challenge.

    PS: I did use my jacket as a cushion too 😀

    December 26, 2011
    • Senyorita said:

      Wow, you even did it first! 😀 Did you also study in Lyceum or in another university? Glad that I brought my jacket with me 😀

      December 27, 2011
  6. I should have tried this!I missed that part…! pero enjoy parin specially that Bi-Cable Tramline ride \m/


    January 6, 2012
    • Senyorita said:

      Yun naman ang na-miss ko hehe 😛

      January 7, 2012

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