Morning rainfall almost stopped us from pursuing a short trip to La Trinidad. I am almost sold to the idea of just staying at Azalea Residences, ’till I was reminded that we need to leave by lunch time. While in the lobby area, Yoshke and I were debating if we must push through with the trip to the town of strawberries and blooming flowers. Wait… can we eat lunch first and decide once the stomach is full? Please?

After a short visit to the Laperal White House and lunch at Ketchup Food Community, Yoshke and I took a quick stroll at Wright Park. I can’t help but reminisce some of my good ‘ol Baguio days as a child. I have a decent collection of Baguio snapshots taken when I was younger. Ah, one of the benefits of living in Pangasinan is that you’re just less than two hours away from the Summer Capital of the Philippines.
‘Should we go to La Trinidad or not?’
‘It’s up to you!’
Since the weather is as unstable as we were at that moment, I just hired a vacant taxi and asked if he can take us to the Bell Church first. I’m glad he nodded.
I’ve been to the Bell Church when I was younger, but I have to admit that I didn’t really care about its significance. I guess I have a valid excuse since I was just a prep student when I went there. Yoshke took the opportunity to roam around and take pictures while I sat in one corner overlooking the residential area. Emote-emote muna.
Mother Nature is quite cooperative, huh? We hired a cab and went straight to the Strawberry Farm. If destiny will allow us, we plan to visit a Flower Farm too.
It is expected that various Strawberry products are for sale within the vicinity. There’s the Strawberry Taho, Ice Cream, Crinkles, Wine among others. Popular Benguet products such as Peanut Brittle, Kulangot and many more were on sale too. There’s a large number of families with kids when we arrived.
We took a short stroll to the Strawberry Plantation area. It’s funny because my first Strawberry Farm visit took place in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia last year. Some were saying that the La Trinidad Strawberry Farm is better. I think they’re right!
Some kids were enjoying a strawberry-picking treat with the guidance of their parents. Within the area, we also saw some flowers in full bloom!
‘Do you still want to visit the Flower Farm?’
‘Up to you.’
Ping Pong! Here we go again! To go or not to go? But before that, let’s get some Strawberry Ice Cream!
We went to the other side of the Strawberry Farm. There’s Lettuce too! Glad they let us see lettuce!
To visit the Flower Farm or not?
Our intuition pushed us to hire a cab and proceed to Camp John Hay… then it started to rain!
Sometimes, you just need to trust your instincts, especially if you’re eager to munch some strawberries. Yummeh!
It’s been a decade ata since I last went to the Strawberry Farm. I remember buying wine din there. Sarap sana to drink in Manila but the bottle broke in transit. Boo-hoo
Toinks. Sayang. Balik ka na raw hehe ๐
Mmmm strawberries…
They honestly are my favorite food
Correction: favorite FRUIT! ๐