When I started this blog, I mainly went on trips on a tight budget. I was okay with staying in hostels, taking overnight bus trips, only booking flights on seat sales, traveling in groups and eat budget/fastfood meals to lessen costs and expenses.
The thing is this – I’m already past that stage.
Now that I am in my mid-30’s, I don’t want to rush to a bus station or airport just for the sake of going on a trip and post something on my social media account. If I travel now, it should be a trip that I’ve earned and working is only optional.

Early this year, I travelled with a special someone and we were able to explore some parts of Metro Manila, visit my favorite island and go in a place I’ve never been to before. For two weeks, I didn’t work on my laptop – I left my laptop at home and I focused on the present. I focused on spending quality time with the person I cherish without work distractions.
When I discussed it with a friend of mine, he told me that what I did those two weeks is what trips are meant to be spent. I should be visiting the places I only want to, lounge and lie in the comfy hotel bed as long as I want without feeling guilty and not being anxious when I have no internet connection. It was so much fun and I was fully recharged and inspired by the time I got back.
Is Travel now a Luxury or Necessity?
One thing I noticed while traveling after the pandemic is that fare prices are high now. It made me even wonder how I did it back then? How did I afford to fly to 2 to 3 destinations in a month a decade ago?
Oh, right. Years passed and things do change – and I am older now!

With that being said, going on trips to disconnect from your real-life responsibilities is good for your mental health. Yes, it might cost a bit of money, but the internal rewards are worth it. When the year 2023 started, I browsed my blog and read some of my past trips. I still remember the feeling I had when I was in certain moments and I am just glad that I experienced those life-changing moments back in the day. I also planned on focusing in reviving this blog, but err… other real-life urgent writing projects got in the way. Even travel and lifestyle blogging is a luxury these days!
In order to afford a guilt-free, rewarding and satisfying trip, it would be nice to allot a budget for these trips. For example, having a ‘travel fund’ or even just a travel jar (mine has an image of BT21 RJ on it so I can ‘feed’ him with money haha) in your room is already an initial step. Since this experiment of mine worked this year, I plan of pursuing at least 4 non-work related trips this 2024. I will give myself a reward for working hard that quarter and indulge on a ‘real’ vacation. Using a website like calculator.me to budget your money and identifying your unavoidable expenses does help. It may come with age, but now, if I travel, I only want to do the activities I like, eat the food I want and have spas and massages. I deserve it!
What about you? What is your current travel style? Did you notice any changes from your traveling style a decade ago to the present?
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